Nine Mukhi Rudraksh


INR 6370


INR 8775


INR 4420


INR 4420


INR 8775


INR 00


INR 6370


INR 6370

Nine faced Rudraksha is the form of the nine deities ( nava Durga ). It contains the power of Durga shakti. It cures snake bite, for this cure the 9 Mukhi Rudraksha is dipped in the water filled in the copper vessel and then is to given to such patient.This Rudraksha removes the Kaal Sarpa Yoga effect. It is said by Lord Datta Treya Maharaj. The person who face too many obstacles or feel unlucky should wear 9 Mukhi Rudraksha. It opens the Luck factor. This Rudraksha removes every sin and create new Devi Powers in the body of the wearer of this Rudraksha. No evil can never have any effect on the wearer of this Rudraksha. This Rudraksha is considered to be very auspicious for every work. 9 Mukhi Rudraksha controls the nine senses of the body. This Rudraksha removes all sins and provides all comforts and happiness. By wearing nine faced Rudraksha the man gets blessings from Devi durga. By this the wearer gets endurance, bravery, courage, and his name and fame spreads all round. His devotion in god increases. His will power is strengthened.

Nine faced Rudraksha give the wearer both devotion and salvation. Practicing rituals to worship the Shree Yantra and along with it wearing of the nine faced Rudraksha give both the worldly pleasures and the salvation.Nine Mukhi Rudraksha is one of the most powerful beads of Rudraksha. It is ruled by Goddess Durga and is said to contain the power of all the nine incarnations she took on Earth. Since it has the blessings of Goddess Shakti, no obstacle can stand in the way of the wearer. Nine Mukhi Rudraksha removes the Kaal Sarp Yog effect from the wearer’s life. Nine Face Rudraksha confers upon the person wearing this potent bead all kinds of material comforts and spiritual gains. 9 Mukhi Rudraksha works best on women as it functions as a protective armour. Since the ruling planet of Nine Mukhi Rudraksha is Rahu, all the malefic effects of this particular planet are removed from the wearer’s life. It should be worn after following proper rituals and doing prayers.

Astrological importance -
Ketu shows a need to renounce the lower ego,the materialistic attachment and change the previous sanskaras or mental impressions and tendencies we bring from the past shows something that we may have done too much on the past and there is a need to compensate for that. it feels guilty about the personal ego and mistakes done in past. The best ways to manage its energy is by spiritual practice like seclusion,meditation,introspection,renunciation, study of ancient spiritual disciplines and vedanta philosophy.

9 Mukhi Rudraksha medical Benefits -

1. Nine Mukhi Rudraksha helps in efficient functioning of the brain and the nervous system.
2. 9 Mukhi Rudraksha cures neurotic disorders.
3. nine mukhi rudraksha stops abortion.

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